Thursday, December 9, 2010

A Winter's Wonderland

I'm getting sick of all this snow giving me a cold. I've never been one to like snow. When people shout excitedly that they think snow is wonderful and gorgeous I just look at them strangely and walk away. I hate snow even more than I hate Science, which is saying a lot because I really hate Science--even more so than I hate Maths, which is also saying a lot, because I will never, ever, ever need the things they teach us in Maths. Well, heck, I dont even know what I want to do when I finish school and that's in two years. But at least I wont be doing anymore Science next year *few* although I do have to do more Maths and English which isn't so good. Maybe I'll just become a housewife. . .


Miss Vipro said...

I'm actually one of those people who love the snow. Unfortunately it doesn't snow were i live so i always go ice-skating a stuff since i'm a winter baby i need the cold!

LadyNansei said...

I really hate Science and Maths as well but I love English. And suprisingly I got an award for Effort in Science, which I ultimately suck at.

To find out what you want to be you should focus on your talents, things which really interest you. I've always wanted to be an Author so I dont really know. lol

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