Thursday, December 30, 2010

It's A New Year

So what’s your New Year resolution? I have about a ton of things I would like to stick to but I know I would never, so my 2011 resolution would have to be to stick to whatever New Year resolution which I’m going to plan this year.

I’m having good plans for it though. My last years resolution was basically things like:
1. Don't leave homework to the last minute
2. Take shorter showers
3. Recycle
4. Walk to school instead of driving
5. Don't drive as often (which is basically the same as No 4)
6. Don't spend to much time watching TV/surfing the net
7. Eat my vegetables!

I didn’t end up sticking to any of those. I can’t live without my TV, computer, car and long showers. And who does their homework as soon as they get it? And then why do resolutions have to be all little ‘goody-goody’ things such as the above. I find that I usually make mine about saving the environment (yes, I am one of those people who are the prime cause of Global Warming.) (I am sorry).
So on that note I decided to try some different resolutions:
1. Don't take drugs (pretty easy, doesn’t take a brainiac to know that)
2. Read a book all the way through (Goldie Locks, anyone?)
3. Clean out your room (not as easy if you’ve seen my room)
4. Donate to a charity
5. Don't leave the heater on all night
6. Take my dogs for a walk
7. Feed my dogs once in a while
8. Attempt to pay attention in school
9. Eat my vegetables!
10. Give someone an actual birthday present which they’d love

Yes! I managed to get 10 resolutions down. That’s awesome, and I think I might be able to stick to some of these.
What are you’re New Year Resolutions?


Amanda said...

I'm not particularly good at keeping to my resolutions either. I cant even think of ten so thats a downer. This year I've basically chosen things like excercise more often and do my homework. Nothing spesh.

LadyNansei said...

I've actually never made a resolution before (seriously). It's mostly just because I forget to and then can't be bothered but my resolution for this year was to make a resolution for next year so hopefully I can stick with that. :D

LadyNansei said...